Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 6 Thing 14

Here is one a the Voice Thread I made for my brother's business.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Week 5 Thing 13

We have been using google docs for 3 years at DVE. It is a great way for our staff to collaborate on projects and lesson plans. I am glad we can now utilize this tool with students.

Week 5 Thing 12

I like the wiki's that had the "book talks" on them. I think wiki's are a great tool.

Week 4 Thing 11

I think these tools would be interesting for students to look at their own writing. What words do you use they use most often? I also think it would be interesting for students to look at different websites and compare their most used words.

created at

Wordle: wdcld

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week 4 Thing 10

I think is an interesting tool. I think this is a great way to quickly bookmark a variety of sites for students, the quesiton I keep coming up with and looked for was a general research area for students. However, there is no way to control the kinds of comments that are posted. This poses a problem for using it with students. I looked around and I haven't found a good solution yet.

Internet Access Survey

Please click here to take the survey.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Week 3 Thing 9

Twitter is frustrating.

Week 3 Thing 8

This student is pretty cool. He looks like a 5th grader. Very composed.

I wanted to comment on this site, but I don't have "approval" yet. Classroom 2.0
When I can comment I plan to say:
This is a great video. Students never cease to amaze me with their creativity and public speaking. Thank you for sharing.
The reason I wanted to comment on this video is because I think sometimes we don't give out students enough credit. I think it is great when the HS students get up and thank us each year, but maybe we should try a younger student Middle School, Upper Elemetnary. I think we would be pleasantly surprised.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 3 Thing 7

I found some great feeds. I found I had to be very selective, or it would be easy to ignore the feeds.
 I have found finding the RSS button "obvious" on a lot of sites. This makes me move on when I can't find it, which is too bad.

Week 2 Thing 6

Glogster is great fun to play with. Here is a possible one for idea. After students do their filed study they can make an interactive poster of their findings. We could include a picture of the student actually in the field study.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week 2 Thing 5

I created a banner and a trading card. These are fun tools. I can see students taking pictures of school rules or important places and making trading cards. It could be fun.

Week 2 Thing 4

I chose to take the Flickr challenge. I uploaded 2 pictures. I was able to crop them and change their color. Generally, you have to have a "special program" to do this. I also liked that I didn't have to change their size before I posted. I even searched for them later. It is a cool tool.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Week 1 Thing 3

I like Creative Commons. I am trying to figure out how best to use this resource. I think DVE teachers could find some great images to use on their websites. There is so much information.

Week 1 Thing 2

Great review of Copyright. Love the Fair Use Harbor. We need to share this.

Week 1 Thing 1

Although I think the "avatar" is cool, I haven't figured out a way that a stationary avatar is useful. I would love to do some animation with my if the avatars could be animated into short "scripts". THAT would be totally a unique way of utilizing this technology.